Photo : Musée de l'informatique - Fédération des Équipes Bull

Towards a Museum of Computing and Digital Society in France

Digital technology has become pervasive in our daily lives. Not a single area of activity escapes this digital transformation. In France, it is without doubt one of the areas of science and technology most in need of recognition.

Furthermore, the heritage of 60 years of evolution in computer science and informatics, both tangible and intangible, is in danger. In fact, objects which bear witness to the development and innovation in the area are often mass-consumption articles, disposable and thus disposed of! In a culture which emphasises the ephemeral and short-term, the true value of the intangible heritage is often underestimated, and its preservation is problematic.

There are already institutions throughout the world dedicated totally or partially to this field. In France,  public and private collections have taken the initiative of preserving computing history. Generally, they have conserved the technological and historical aspects, rarely the scientific or social aspects of digital technologies.

In this context, is it not the moment to create A Museum of Computing and and Digital Society in France? This idea raises a number of questions and the objective of the conference is to provide answers to these questions.

The conference is supported by:

The Cnam and the Musée des arts et métiers, ACONIT, AMISA, Espace Turing, Fédération des équipes Bull, INRIA, MO5.COM, and Musée Informatique.